Originally Posted by tcarilli
Stepping out with one foot is not illegal.
Yet, in 6.2.4H, B was charged a strike for one foot only (a) out of the BB.
Originally Posted by tcarilli
That would require changing the batter's box rule as well.
No, 7-3-1 could stay as it is. 7-3-1 is generally intended for the time in between pitches. In essance a game speed up rule.
Originally Posted by tcarilli
This really isn't that common an occurrence.
Agreed, but it is not an uncommon occurance...not the same thing. Every season I have a HS varsity B trying to disrupt F1's rhythm by asking for time/stepping out at inappropriate times. This is the kind of action that I believe Fed was trying to legislate against.
Originally Posted by tcarilli
Just as "hard cases make bad laws," unusual situations make bad rules.
Agree. I would prefer to go with OBR rules for this offense, but Fed seemed to want to penalize B for stepping out at inappropriate times. They can keep the desired penalty for B mucking up play. They just need to tidy up the contradicting rules/CB plays.