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Old Fri Jul 05, 2013, 09:07am
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
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Originally Posted by jicecone View Post
In a perfect world? We could just pull out your phone app and check off the applicable rule and penalty. Once you click "ok", the penalty is applied and the game continues without any reference to what just happened.

ORRRRRRRRRRR! How about we learn how to deal with people and quit looking for ways to throw players out of games like any run of the mill, average official can do.
We can deal with and manage people before they do something that gets them ejected. After they commit the ejectable offense, now it becomes "looking for a reason to "keep them in the game.""

Quite frankly, I'm not all that interested in that. And this from a guy who hasn't had an ejection since last May.
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