Originally posted by IHSAIllini
I could do without the snide remarks.
Y'all seem awful hostile to someone trying to learn a little more about the rules so I can be a better umpire. Sorry I can't cite the rules from memory, if I umpired as my job I'd probably be able to.
That's true, but also part of being a good umpire is doing your homework. This board is a great way to learn and ask specific questions, but there are many many differences in FED and OBR.
Getting a copy of the BRD (Baseball Rule Differences by Carl Childress) is a good start. It will help you to see in black and white many of the differences.
As far as your rules, we do a lot of the same. Most of our leagues use FED all the time.
FED is mostly safety concious so if you are doing FED rules then you should have no problem playing a league or tourney that uses OBR. The problem is guys that might use OBR and then come to a FED tourney.
Balks, call them all. That's the way the kids learn. He can do a lot of things with no runners that might be a balk with runners on. Let that be your warning.
But make sure you know what the balk rules are also. Study study, study.
Rule 6 in the FED book, I would know it and then if you're using FED you also need to look at TOP (time of pitch) in Rule 2 since this is different etc.,