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Old Sun Jun 01, 2003, 09:19pm
IHSAIllini IHSAIllini is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 54
Okay, since evidently there is a great deal of confusion as to why we use the rules we do, I'll explain as best I can about how the structure of our organization is set up (seeing as how me saying we use FED rules evidently isn't good enough.)

House league, we are managed by an independent non-profit with a nonetheless meaty budget that aside from House rules, plays under FED rules. If memory serves me correctly, we went to FED last year. The BoD made the decision, not for any particular reason that I can recall, but it happened. We certainly didn't use OBR before that...maybe if I dig up an '01 rule book I can tell you precisely what we were using.

At tournament time, the tournament specifies what rules we're playing under. Usually it's FED - and that goes double for the older kids, because they're not too far off from being under FED jurisdiction anyways.

*I might add that because I do high school as well, there's no reason to toss the FED book.

*Hey, look at that! Well, went back and found the 2001 rule book, and sure enough, we were using OBR. I also found the memo to umpires from the BoD regarding the switch. Their rationale was to prepare kids for high school ball. What can I say? ::shrugs::

[Edited by IHSAIllini on Jun 1st, 2003 at 09:23 PM]
Steve Ryan
Member: IHSA, GLOA
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