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Old Sun Jun 23, 2013, 05:19pm
Insane Blue Insane Blue is offline
Call it as I see it.
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: So.Cal
Posts: 330
Originally Posted by shagpal View Post
How convenient, but I don't buy it. Its either ASA sanctioned or its not, and you talking out of both sides of your mouth on behalf of the OP as to which is not helping.

ASA is a ruleset, but umpires are required to be ASA registered, wear official gear ASA uniforms, umpires, teams, and leagues are required to register and buy ASA Bollinger insurance, bat checks must have ASA stamps and not on the banned bat list. To distance from the ASA is a cop out.

the ASA has become a rules committee, liability police, and umpire apparel and gear hawker. All the talented SP players are off utripping and all the good FP teams are off playing showcases and premier. All the upper level umpires have traded in their ASA gear for better pay, better games, and less politics and no more "cry baby ball" elsewhere.

The ASA is where amateurs start playing and umpiring, and remain when there is no place to advance, and the talking heads are usually the later. If an umpire wants to excel at routine professional babysitting, the ASA is the place to be.

Do yourself and the OP a favor, do a search here or on any forum. Nearly all these SP adult baby behavior posts are ASA games, plain and simple. If you want to help the ASA and the OP, man up and answer his question directly, not hide to comment on mine. OP is wearing ASA blue, is 70yo calling single man, and came here for help, because quite honestly, he probably ain't getting it where he calls his own ASA assoc home.
Dude get a clue about local leagues. Leagues are not run by A.S.A. Leagues are run by local associations and or parks, using A.S.A. rules.

A.S.A. only handles Championship Play Tournaments District All Stars Championships (B teams) through Nationals and Travel teams (A / Gold) Starting at the State level through Nationals. A.S.A. also is in charge of Team U.S.A. and American I.S.F.

Here in So Cal most Adult leagues are governed by S.C.M.A.F. rules
"I couldn't see well enough to play when I was a boy, so they gave me a special job - they made me an umpire." - President of the United States Harry S. Truman
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