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Old Sat Jun 22, 2013, 10:38am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by jicecone View Post
Sometimes you have to understand what you are there to do. Umpire a game.

Both of the players threw their equipment out of frustration. Not as much with the umpires call as with the outcome of what they expected the call to be. GOOD players, that work hard in important games have emotions just like everyone else. Sometimes you as an official have to stand back and let that frustration happen, deal with it and move on.

If you can't, then your telling the rest of the world that you don't belong in that situation. You lack the confidence as an official, in controlling a contest at any given moment and you either need to eject someone because of a preconceived idea that it will make you look better, or it is the only way you know, how to handle a situation. You need seasoning and your definetly not ready to handle the game in question.
There is certainly some truth to the fact the the leash is a little longer on an immediate emotional reaction to a play like this. Certainly (I think) had one of the players yelled "no way. he was out. You have to see that" and THEN thrown the glove / mask, thre would have been an ejection.

The question though, is whether the "long leash" extends to that much of a display.
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