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Old Fri Jun 21, 2013, 04:01pm
Linknblue Linknblue is offline
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Location: Lincoln, CA (Near Sacramento)
Posts: 150
Adult-Children Wreck Ball

ASA - Home team at bat down by 4 runs with 2 outs and 30 seconds to go on clock. Their current batter chooses to strike out intentionally so they get an extra inning by beating the clock. They're within the rules. Innings over and I call "one more inning". Of course visitors have a hissy and a squalling big time about chickens__t play and no ones does that stuff ever. It escalates when teams are changing positions and I've got 14 to 16 guys on field all barking at each other. Visiting pitcher (biggest hissyfitter) who was almost in dugout comes back on field, throws is helmet and confronts the opposing shortstop cuz he's barking back. He shoves shortstop. Now everyone is really animated and yelling. I want no part of another inning of this crap and simply say...."Game's over". Both teams behaving badly was my thought.

I'm a one man crew, 70 years old and not about to get into a 14-16 man hassle on the field and I know it ain't gonna subside if I toss anyone and play on. It's just going to get worse.

Hindsight, I could have and probably should have tossed the pitcher guilty of shoving but at that point it was a real "bruhaha" and I didn't want to work the extra inning of what I perceived was going to be nonsense and potentially more of the same barking.

I don't know if I'm looking for validation but what would you guys have done given working single man and a real scary situation about to happen?
Wish I'da umped before I played. What a difference it would'a made!

Last edited by Linknblue; Fri Jun 21, 2013 at 04:03pm.
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