Originally Posted by Mrumpiresir
Good positioning by the PU. Good Call.
But..... I understand this is the CWS but players throwing equipment in disagreement to a call is grounds for immediate ejection. In this case it worked out for everyone but if it happens in my game, someone is going to the parking lot.
That's why he's at the CWS in Omaha (for the 3rd time) and you are at home WATCHING him work the CWS... enough said
BTW, it was a GREAT call and GREAT positioning... as well as GREAT composure!
Oh, and one more thing, I don't know you're background but if I had to guess, "your share of big games" is slightly
different than JB's big games. Try googling his background an you'll see what I mean... incredible experience at almost every level of the game and a great guy as well!