Originally Posted by MD Longhorn
I have no dog in this hunt... and if I was rooting for anything at that moment, it was a tying 3 pointer just so we could see 5 more minutes of basketball.
But I'm honestly stunned at the seeming "good block" unanimity on the 3rd play.
At full speed, it seems rather obvious to me that Bosh gets a crapload of body blocking that shot.
At slo mo it's much more obvious
Freeze it at 22 - going straight up, looks good so far. Freeze it at 23, body contact already, shooter went straight up, Bosh did not and is moving into the shooter at decent speed. At 24, shooter, having been mugged, is flying out of bounds - and certainly not due to his own body motion, which was straight up before the contact.
How about the hellacious illegal screen on the primary defender before the shooter got the ball in the third clip?
1. Good no call. They corrected the OOB and gave it to SA.
2. Good no call. I know in NBA that's not a travel, but man did he cover a lot of ground without dribbling!
3. Good no call.