HBP Out of the Batters Box (PONY)
For my fellow PONY umpires, a question...
Rule 9 section 2 f and effect:
(FP ONLY) When a pitched ball, not struck at or notcalled a strike, touches any
part of the batter’s person or clothing while she is in the batter’s box. It does
not matter if the ball strikes the ground before hitting her. The batter’s hands
are not part of the bat.
EFFECT: Sec. 2f: The ball is dead and the batter isentitled to one base without
liability to be put out unless she made no effort to avoid being hit. In this case, the plate umpire calls either a ball or a strike
Play: Lefty slap-hitter, stepping way forward out the front of the box, sees the pitch coming in to her, pulls back the swing and gets hit with pitch out in front of the box.
We're calling dead ball, ball on the batter?