Originally posted by Whowefoolin
Good, smart coaches. They are using tactics they know instead of sitting on their butts.
First of all, it is not your job to get both ends of that play. The coach knows and he called you on it. Because he knows it, he asked you to go to your partner.
If you have the sacks with runner on, your call is the catch/no catch, and the PU is coming out to take the tag ups. IT IS HIS CALL ON THE APPEAL. You stepped in when you shouldn't have and made a mess.
Why didn't you have proper mechanics and let you partner make the call on the appeal? Now if he missed it and comes to you, give him what you have and let him straighten out the mess.
Don't try to over umpire and show everyone you can do everything. We know you can, but that is why you have a partner.
YOU CAUSED THE COACH TO BELLY-ACHE, so now you know why they do!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!1
Pu only has tag-up of third, EVER.Unless working solo. Log on to amazon and buy the PBUC Manual for the 2 man system