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Old Sat Jun 15, 2013, 05:02pm
SWFLguy SWFLguy is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Fort Myers FL
Posts: 600
I worked a lot, and I mean a lot of "wreck" slo -pitch years ago in central NY. I even was UIC and did assigning for a few of those years. I have had my problems, but fortunately the leagues and most tournaments were operated under the auspices of the city recreation department. They had a no nonsense policy to the games which helped to weed out the bad apples. When I came down here, I began working local ASA games. The organizations here were very weak. I quit after a few weeks and sent all my ASA gear back north to my old commissioner to give to some new umpire. I only work high school games here. The FHSAA has a huge hammer to help coaches and players keep things in perspective.
Keep everything in front of you
and have fun out there !!
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