When I first started out umpiring 26 years ago, back in the outside (balloon) protector days, I never used to wear a cup. I just always hung my fist down in front of the "boys". Never had a problem; never got hit there.
I finally got smarter with age, and started wearing a cup everytime I was PU.
Just this past Tuesday night while calling a Sr. League (15-16) game, I took the hardest, most direct cup shot, that I've ever taken in my life. It hurt, and it took my breath away, but I don't think a soul there, except for my partner, even knew what had just happened. If not for that cup, I'd probably still be rolling around on the ground behind home plate. Certainly, the boys would probably be as big as beach balls right about now. I can tell you one thing for sure. It made an absolute believer out of me and that memory will last for the rest of my umpiring car eer.