For almost 20 yrs I have been going with one ball in/out on the corners at ALL levels worked and either I am the luckiest guy in the region or I am doing something right because it is rare that I get a 21/4 hr+ game (unless its extra innings). The key is consistency and good position to see pitches properly! Pitchers and batters will adjust by the end of their first inning of play.
I don't follow the prescribed 2 on the outside, 1 on the inside "clinic" nonsense or should I say that I have never been taught that at any clinic I ever attended. IMO if you are consistent calling one ball in/out and have solid mechanics that allow clear vision of the entire zone you will find that your games will run much smoother and, as a by-product, more timely.
If F2 needs to be handled, the best way to do that is to have a consistent zone communicated crisply and with good timing....above all else - be professional at all times as respect is easy to give but very hard to earn.
"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done."
Chris Z.
Detroit/SE Michigan