Originally Posted by JRutledge
So you want the travel rules to be the exact same?
Absolutely! No reason to be different. At least that way you would be less likely to have people bastardizing the rule and calling it in a way that doesn't match any of the levels or calling it at one level as it is specified for a different level.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
You want contact in the post to be the same?
As far as the rule goes, YES. No reason to be different.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
You want the Technical applications to be the same?
Again, Yes. No reason to be different.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
What about a 24 second shot clock?
Now, if you actually read my post, I suggested that there would be timing differences for different levels....that means the shot clock could be longer for lower levels.....even 8 minutes if you want. But the rules of when it starts and when it resets should be 100% the same.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
Better yet, you think the players could handle those rules differences?
That is the question you should ask about the current situation. I'm suggesting that there be no rules differences. If there are no differences, what is there for them to handle.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
And that does not include the many abilities of officials that cannot get basic rules right at the high school level, now you want to add complicated NCAA or NBA type applications as well?
Oh please. There really isn't anything more complicated about the NBA RULES than in NCAA or HS that
needs to be different.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
We have a hard enough time to get some basic contact being called a foul and now we want to add changes or better yet make those rules apply to HS kids to grown azz men? The NBA would be less fun to watch for the average public and NCAA and NF players would have a hard time adjusting when many players have a problem dribbling, let alone getting across the division line in 8 seconds.
Advantage/Disadvantage or whatever the current terminology would be is all you need to differentiate the levels. Let the pros play through more contact while kids are called more tightly. The rules can be the same, just the threshold of what becomes a foul vs incidental can change.
And again, before you refute my post with points relating to 24 seconds or 8 seconds, you might want to actually read and understand my post. If you had, you would have never made those points.