Originally posted by fletch_irwin_m
Well after solving the SARS outbreak by Arbor Day and the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict by July 4, I hope to have the whole world hunger thing sewed up by Mid - August to take some time off to concentrate on the hidden scourge "Seniors On Crack".
Just officiated the National ACE tournament here in our fine city.
Will be hitting the Mid/Deep (I forget which) camp in Charlotte next weekend.
Finished with our Spring League and a local youth ministries league.
Will go to our Association camp in July and August.
Hope to go to the state camp in July
Work our universities team camp in July.
Not much to do in August.
Go to Vegas on the 23 - 27 to teach a class. (No not a gambling class)
Paint the inside of our house. This is supposed to be a "We" project, but in this instance there is an "I" in "We"
Stain the decks.
Wash the cat
Ramble aimlessly on this board.
Fletch - you must be a teacher. My wife works for the city high school (guidance office) and she is off the whole month of July. Actually, she is "off" most of the time.

She also plans for "us" as in "me" to do a lot of painting this summer.