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Old Fri May 30, 2003, 07:34pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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As you know, I'm a refugee from baseball. That was my choice and I have no problem with those who stay with it.

I don't think anyone was knocking baseball, just noting that they are different games and they do have different rules. Obviously, Zoomie doesn't think it's the same game and referred to the other players as unsportsmanlike. A tough accusation to buy from a kid who thinks throwing a ball at a runner is permissible.

Depending on the level of ball, different philosophies certainly exist.

The point most of us were making was that this young man jumped into a game he had not yet learned to play, assuming that everything he knew in baseball applied to softball. Obviously, it doesn't. Many of us grew up the same way, some considering softball a game for those who aren't good enough for baseball.

The rules were explained to him and the reasoning behind the rules. It was explained why the other players reacted the way they did and how some of us would have handled the situation given the fact he wasn't smart enough to keep his thoughts to himself. And, in turn, acting on that threat.

Many of us have probably heard this from players before. When I do (a couple of dozen times in the past decade), I simply tell that player, loud enough for the next closest player to hear, that if he follows through, he will be ejected and I will offer a statement to the police if it goes that far.

Was anyone overly harsh on this young man? Somewhat, but I think that was more to demonstrate the severity of his actions and attempt to defend them by using his baseball experience.

If you noticed, many urged him to learn more about the game and understand the differences.

The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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