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Old Sun Jun 09, 2013, 03:32am
Steven Tyler Steven Tyler is offline
In Time Out
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 1,263
Originally Posted by Welpe View Post
The metro pay schedule is going to be interesting. For those of us who live out in the burbs a ways from the city center and commute in to work, games close to home will pay better in mileage than those near work. Right now it's just the opposite. All told I'll see a net gain for most games I work but I won't have much incentive to drive very far out of the way if I can avoid it.
Back when, our pay started from downtown Dallas, and the further out you went the more money you made. A travel fee for me back then I could drive two miles to a nearby school and make $16.00. My partner might have to drive thirty miles, and get the same 16.00. I simply got tired of driving to a game where I would have made $36.00 travel on my own, but the other person with the shortest drive got to split the highest mileage with their partner. We each made $18.00 for example.

If they were going to pay us by mileage, pay the person for the mileage they drove. I got stuck the first year of this working some DISD sub varsity games solo that where close to my house. I was making $8.00, and doing the game by myself.

Set fees are much better............especially to the person who drives the farthest.
I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?
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