Originally Posted by peachbasket
BNF - He does care about running hard. I believe running hard and hustling to get an angle to see the play to make a decision (call or no call) can be the same or two different things. False hustle and running just to run don't help any of us.
Regarding the official attending Orlando. Did you go to Suwanee back in May to the Gibbons camp? If so who evaluated you and what feedback did you receive. That will help you decide what you need to work on when you attend the STP in Orlando. It will also help me help you in making recommendations. I would also recommend you inform you clinicians prior to each game the 1 or 2 things you intend to work on that game so they can take note and provide feedback
Be genuine, staff can see right through the campers that talk just to talk. Big turn off.
yes i did go to the gibbons camp in may. the first two days I worked for 3 older gentleman that eye out talent for his staff, and 1 NBA offcial. The last day I worked in front of Joe, and heater and two more on his staff for the semi finals for the 17 age group and a Joe did the feedback for that game. any feed back from you will be appreciated