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Old Tue Jun 04, 2013, 02:41pm
Andy Andy is offline
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Originally Posted by MD Longhorn View Post
I disagree. I suspect that very very few NCAA coaches know the ASA rule.

Now, back to the question... Mike - coming from where you're coming from, I'm very curious given your response. If the situation Andy described is not what ASA wants this rule used for, then what is the point of the rule?

And if it's delay, why have the rule at all - we already have rules about how quickly a pitcher must pitch ... so what would the intent be of the "ball on the batter" rule... when SHOULD we use it, in your opinion?
I have heard the supposed reasoning behind this particular rule was from the Men's FP game several years ago.

Teams got in the habit of the catcher throwing the ball back to F5 after every pitch who would just lob it to the pitcher from a very short distance. Well this grew into F5 walking the ball back to the pitcher after every pitch and giving a little pep talk.

I don't know if there is any truth to that, but I can certainly accept this as most of the Men's FP pitchers I have seen are extreme primma donnas....
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