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Old Fri May 30, 2003, 02:19pm
chris s chris s is offline
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last nite, my daughter has a make-up game(minors, 11-12's)I had to work a boys game and could't attend hers. I am home after a quick ten run rule game. Wife and kids get home, daughter is madder than a wet hen! She is usually very cool-headed about umpires decesions, but was she pissed. Ump called 3 illegal pitches in a row, no biggie, but he advanced runners, 3 runs score...cleard the sacks. Our coach had asked for time to talk to F1, ump said, "NO, I'll talk to her" After game, opposing team is whining to ump bout something, my wife and 3 other parents hear him tell opposing coach, "Don't worry, I'll get them in the playoffs" My freakin jaw hit the floor! Ump is in the same assc. as I am, I am gonna make sure this idiot has NO playoffs. Why, on earth, do jerks like this work games.....AAAARGGGG
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