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Old Tue Jun 04, 2013, 06:28am
EsqUmp EsqUmp is offline
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Penalty for an Unreported Substitute in Major League Baseball: NOTHING!

And the players, coaches and managers get paid millions. So if they aren't going to be penalized, why should a 12 year old girl because her coach forgot to report her in? Shouldn't amateur sports be about participation, not disqualification?

NYS did away with penalizing unreported substitutes two decades ago. None of the arguments that people had 20 years ago and none that they make now about what might happen to the game have come true.

No more, "Sorry Ms. 9th grader who is getting her first at bat in the 12th game of the season in a 25-0 game, you're coach didn't report you as a sub. You're out and disqualified." Absurd.
Kill the Clones. Let God sort them out.
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