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Old Mon Jun 03, 2013, 05:09pm
Jake26 Jake26 is offline
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Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve View Post
Now, that said, and although not mentioned in the OP.

If I KNOW there was an unreported sub followed by an unreported reentry, you bet your sweet pituty (sp?) that I will mark that on my lineup, and refuse any attempted 2nd reentry. I truly doubt that happens by accident.

But, unless I know it, I cannot and will not take anyone else's word that it happened.
Patootie, where I come from.

In our 16A NQ (Region teams only) this past weekend, there were two instances of an unreported sub followed by unreported reentry. Believe me, with these coaches it was an accident. It was amazing some of the rules/procedures that coaches did not know. But I understand that at some levels, a coach could try to "game the system" by not reporting substitutions.
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