Originally Posted by BadNewsRef
Well, Forte doesn't care about running hard, but he does care about having a great look. The #1 thing he cares about is getting plays right.
Not many college officials on this site reveal which conferences they work in, so any specific answers as they applied to working for Joe Forte probably weren't going to be very forthcoming. (I don't work for Forte)
This is an question that common sense tells you should have been asked in his local area to officials who already work in the BS and/or CC, not a bunch of anonymous folks on a message board.
BNF - He does care about running hard. I believe running hard and hustling to get an angle to see the play to make a decision (call or no call) can be the same or two different things. False hustle and running just to run don't help any of us.
Regarding the official attending Orlando. Did you go to Suwanee back in May to the Gibbons camp? If so who evaluated you and what feedback did you receive. That will help you decide what you need to work on when you attend the STP in Orlando. It will also help me help you in making recommendations. I would also recommend you inform you clinicians prior to each game the 1 or 2 things you intend to work on that game so they can take note and provide feedback
Be genuine, staff can see right through the campers that talk just to talk. Big turn off.