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Old Thu May 30, 2013, 10:37pm
outathm outathm is offline
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Posts: 440
Obstruction Placement Federation only

After a game tonight I have a question about our placement of a runner.

No one on. Batter is obstructed rounding 1B and stops, then takes a step back toward first and then runs to second and is out by approx 4 feet.

After the play was done the U1 calls time and places the Batter-Runner on 1B.

On my way back to the plate the UIC for the tournament tells me that she has to be placed on second.

After we move the runner to second base the Defensive coach comes out and there is a discussion. As a crew we decided to move the runner back to 1b and continued with the game.

On the next pitch the runner was out at second on a steal attempt, tagged in almost exactly the same relation to the plate as the first time.

I am admittedly very unsure of the Fed rules, and I am curious if this was the right placement.

In the post game, involving 2 Commissioners, the committee Chair for my association, both associations involved rules interpreters, and a number of umpires, we agreed that either way could have been correct.

I will admit that when we went to place her on second I had recorded a 'Rounding obstruction' on the first base player earlier in the game out of habit from NCAA.
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