Originally Posted by BornToReferee
'...If I have to go over their heads to get justice it could take weeks cutting into the remaining 8 weeks of the season I could ump, right? Even if I win my grievance I still have to work with them to get games, etc.
To make matters worse, these same two guys perform the same task while school is in session in the (fill-in-the-blank state) High School Athletic Association. I have to deal with them in two separate organizations.
Justice may be swift but it most likely will not be served as you think.
Every assigner (myself included) at every level I have ever worked has usually been very reasonable, understanding of circumstances, fair and firm when needed, and generally are
"good people"; they didn't get to be assigners by being jerks...afterall, they
NEED officials but even the most desperate assigner would not want to work with someone that makes their life miserable. Take the high road here and make a phone call to him, be humble, build a bridge, give him a chance or a reason to change his mind to reconsider.