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Old Wed May 29, 2013, 10:36am
chapmaja chapmaja is offline
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Originally Posted by azbigdawg View Post
Pay attention here, people.... these two elderly white men are CORRECT, Everyone has their own style, but the word "YOU" is what gets the player/coach in trouble....
I would still eject,or at least warn, if the curse word is so loud that it is clearly audible to everyone in the facility. If a player hits a pop fly to the SS and screams the F-word out loud so everyone hears it, we have an issue. Now, if it is said under his breathe so only myself, the catcher and maybe the pitcher hear it, then I've got nothing. The key is the volume as well as the usage.

This goes for any sport as well. There is a certain level of sportsmanship that is expected when you step onto the playing surface in an organized game. If you are going to violate that level of sportsmanship, there will be warnings or penalties issued.

I had this in volleyball a few weeks ago. I actually yellow carded a player for saying the F-word so loud it could be heard clearly all over the gym. He had been previously warned for that behavior during the match (as well as for several previous matches during the season). He was shocked someone actually pulled a card on him for it. His language choice was not directed at anyone else (he was mad at himself), but it was still an unsportsmanlike act.

There is a difference between being the language police, and maintaining a certain level of sportsmanlike conduct on a playing field. Language police have rabbit ears for inappropriate language, umpires and officials are tuned into everything going on with the game they are working.
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