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Old Sat May 25, 2013, 04:47pm
UmpireErnie UmpireErnie is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 359
JV ball where anything can happen (and probably will)

JV ballgame between two small school it's first year for softball program other school's program is maybe three years old. Linescore looks like a slow pitch game...twenty something to eleventy fiveish in the third inning..

Runner on 3B, no outs. Batter hits ball that rolls toward 3B just fair. R1 starts home, then for some reason decides to retreat to 3B while F5 knocks the slow roller down and finally corrals it and manages to tag R1. F5 tosses ball back to F1.

I was PU and had come up 3B line to make fair/foul and to take first play in infield. After the out I notice no runner at 1B..and see batter (now batter-runner!) back in the batters box waiting for the next pitch. My partner had moved into the infield expecting a play at 1B and is now standing there with a surprised look on his face.

I just stopped and waited...finally somebody got it and yelled "throw to first!". Two out!

Batter to coach "I thought it was foul..."
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