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Old Sat May 25, 2013, 12:24pm
EsqUmp EsqUmp is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
That is a lane violation except in the associations that do not utilize a double base.

Of course, now the argument may come up that she couldn't leave the lane in which she was never located, but I don't think that would carry to a reversal.

I thought it was interesting that the play was already going to 1B and the PU was making a safe signal. I would love to see if he stepped out to trail the BR which is not on any of the video.
This is a 3 foot lane violation regardless of whether there is a single or double base.

Misinterpretation and application of a playing rule is the only thing that allows reversal. That's what we have with your interpretation. Stick with the black letter of the rule and stop changing it to suit your opinion. They are allowed to step fair for the last step because otherwise they couldn't touch the base. That's why there is an exception. Not to protect a runner who isn't in the lane in the first place.

Great signal by the plate umpire. When in Rome...

You go out and interpret things to suit your own opinion and use whatever mechanics you like though.
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