Thread: Interference
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Old Fri May 24, 2013, 05:31pm
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Our first call is "DEAD BALL"; the second call can be a repeat of that one or two seconds later, officially for emphasis, unofficially to finish replaying in our head what we are about to rule. Unless we are talking major league pop up, this should be more than enough time to see 1) if the person interfered with is the person we are protecting as the most probable to have made the play, and 2) if the ball is/was catchable by that person. Remember, many foul flies are more easily caught by F4 over F3, and F6 over F5, and we aren't protecting the wrong one.

Even if you blew out the word "Interference" too early, if the ball lands in DBT (like on the other side of the fence!!), then this obviously misapplied RULE is correctable. Consider it something like calling an infield fly that then rolls foul, untouched, and you didn't also yell out "if fair". The judgment, though, really cannot be changed, so buy yourself the necessary time even while declaring the dead ball immediately.
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