Originally Posted by Robmoz
somewhat related question....HS game, I ejected a coach but did not consider just a restriction at that moment. Prior to resumption of play, my HP partner asks me if I was restricting or ejecting. I took a moment to consider his input and downgraded my call to a restriction. I appreciated the input and felt comfortable with changing my call. Q. Is such a change acceptable?
That one is more a function of management than substance. You have effectively (either way) removed the coach from active participation, just as with a player; the only true difference is if you will allow his presence as long as he behaves, and possibly what paperwork may be required in your state.
The other thing is that unless you yelled out "You're ejected" while signaling, and/or advised a game manager that the coach needed to be escorted from the premises; and since your partner asked, we can assume it wasn't obvious to ALL which of the two you have done, this is now a matter of how you are recording/reporting it, not really undoing it.