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Old Fri May 24, 2013, 10:09am
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Originally Posted by Manny A View Post
Hypothetical scenario. Apply all rule sets.

R1 on second. Batter hits a base hit up the middle. F6 moved towards the ball to make the play, but it goes into centerfield. F6 then collides with R1 heading for third, knocking R1 down.

R1 gets up, tries to advance to third, but F8's throw to F5 beats her there by a long shot, so she tries to get back to second. R1 slides safely headfirst just under the tag by F4. F4 then sees that the BR is well off first base, and makes a play on her. The BR gets into a rundown between first and second.

R1 sees the rundown, and tries to make it to third base. The throw there beats her, and she's tagged out.

Does R1 stay out? Or since she likely would have reached third minus the obstruction, is she allowed to stay there? And should the umpires have killed play when she slid into second base safely and award her third at that point?
You kill the play when A) it's over and you need to announce an award, or B) the obstructed runner is put out before reaching her awarded base. In this case, no, R1 does not stay out, and no, umpires should not have killed play when she slid into 2nd base safely.

Once R1 is put out, you announce the award - R1 to 3rd, BR to first.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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