Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Points to be made:
The definition of a play is an attempt by the defense to retire a runner. Therefore, how can there be a play on a runner the defense has no opportunity to retire?
Speaking FED, there's a separate and distinct definition of play when it comes to LBR. It says, "Any action by the pitcher intended to cause a reaction from the runner(s)..." There is no stipulation that the action by the pitcher requires the runner to be in jeopardy of being retired.
Granted, it would be questionable what type of reaction is expected of a runner who is on the base. Quite possibly she intends on taking off to the next base to cause the defense to play on her in hopes of another runner scoring. Who knows.
On the flip side, if the pitcher outright throws the ball to the base for whatever reason while the runner is standing on it, you can't argue that there was no play made just because there was no opportunity to retire the runner.