Originally posted by Mark Padgett
Originally posted by rockyroad
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
I'm gonna spend all summer running errands for Dan's 82 year old grandmother. Backwards and in high heels.
Don't forget her beef, jerky...or is it Don't forget, her beef, jer,ky...
There was a skit on the old Electric Company show that emphasized the importance of punctuation. A kid was before a judge, charged with illegal fishing. The arresting officer had the sign in court that said:
"Private Property
No Fishing Allowed"
The kid said the sign said:
"Private Property? No! Fishing Allowed."
A loooong time ago I had this dialogue with a friend at work:
"Hey, hand me a screw driver"
"No, flat head."
"Who you calling flat head?"
I've been waiting all these years to work this into a conversation.