Originally Posted by Manny A
No you really couldn't. After all, what are the teammates interfering with? Who are they hindering? What play is taking place?
Definitely a "have to see it" kind of situation. Team mate could push or pull the batter-runner toward first base, or perhaps, as written in 8-16-6d:
The runner is out when...any coach or member of the offensive team, other than a runner, interferes with a defensive player's opportunity to make a play. This includes, but is not limited to...member(s) of the offensive team stand or collect around a base to which a runner is advancing, thereby confusing the fielders and adding to the difficulty of making the play. Members of a team include bat/ball shaggers or any other person authorized to sit on the team's bench.
But either one is still a have-to-see-it situation.