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Old Thu May 29, 2003, 11:52am
Dan_ref Dan_ref is offline
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Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by Barry C. Morris
That's a great try, Juulie, but I don't think that's it since it only seems to work for people. I will try to remember "eponym" though. I'll try to slip it into conversation one day.
Check out this website.

I have another word in the back of my mind, too, but it's not coming up. If it does, I'll let you know.

Hey, look, my website reference worked!!!

If you want to call someone, try a patent lawyer, or a copyright lawyer, or a lawyer that specializes in trademarks.
You convinced me! As Mick said, you are the man...err...woman...err...person...who happens to be wearing high heeled shoes gayly skipping backwards through life...uhhh wait...make that happily skipping backwards through life (geeze)
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