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Old Thu May 16, 2013, 12:27am
Steven Tyler Steven Tyler is offline
In Time Out
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 1,263
I've never really worried about ejecting a coach/asst. coach. I'm usually always been on familiar terms with most of them through the years. Some can be quirky, but we as members know who is who. The vast majority of coaches are always courteous to us. They are simply glad that they know you, want you do, and how you do it.

I had one test me in my first varsity game. Dressed him down for his actions. He was pretty much a pussycat after that.

Got my share of players when they really deserved it. On several occasions, the coach took care of it for me.

Plus they take care of our pay cards.
I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?
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