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Old Tue May 14, 2013, 11:47am
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by potato View Post
i watched this video about ending dribbles, it mentioned about typical NBA 360 spin after dribble as illegal travel unless both feet lands the same time after the spin.

Travel or Not Part 5: Ending a Dribble - YouTube

skip to 2:20

the rule states the dribble ends when the ball is resting on the hand, so do we consider the dribble has ended the moment the player initiates a spin, or we can argue that the ball hasn't rested on the hand and only rested when the player take his 1st foot out for the spin and established a pivot foot and another step on the non pivot foot to complete a 360 spin?

From the video we can see he pretty much held the ball with the wrist but what if it was just on the hand like a dribble spin?
It is illegal to lift and replant your pivot foot. It is illegal to lift your pivot before releasing the ball for a dribble. Stick to that without all the abstract "what ifs".

I have no idea what an "NBA 360 spin" move is.

The guy in the video does an excellent job describing what is and isn't legal in regards to jumpstops.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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