ART. 1 . . . Ball becomes dead immediately when:
f. a fair batted ball:
1. touches a runner or an umpire before touching any fielder and before
passing any fielder other than the pitcher,
The Table on Page 35:
Activity: 14. Fair batted ball touches umpire before it touches a fielder
or passes any fielder except the pitcher ............................................. 5-1-1f
Awards or Penalties: 14. Runners return to bases occupied at time of pitch unless forced by
batter-runner. Batter awarded first base and credited with a single . 8-1-2b
I was unable to see this until I could search it on an online copy...just could not see it.
So, we got it right.
Last edited by jwwashburn; Sun May 12, 2013 at 07:22pm.
Reason: deleted repition