Originally Posted by JRutledge
I think the video is really inconclusive because it is from a terrible angle. I love how we Monday Morning Quarterback these situations when the guys get one angle and a time limit to decide. Then instead of admiting that fact we go after the guy for other reasons when more than one guy made the decision I am sure or had input.
Not sure which angle you are seeing that is terrible... I've seen 3, all three are pretty clear. Also - A) they don't have a time limit, and B) if you've heard the live broadcasts (I've heard 4), all of them were relatively certain it would be ruled a home run - and they said that within the same timeframe that the umpires had.
Regarding "going after the guy", if he hadn't already put himself into a negative light time and time again, it might be different. This is the worst umpire in MLB and has been for some time. And he's given us plenty of examples of arrogance over time - enough that we're all pretty sure Angel would have gone with his own decision regardless of what his partner's input was.
You're probably right that most umpires would get more benefit of the doubt here... probably ANY other umpire.
But not him.