Originally Posted by MD Longhorn
Not sure about "only". I think MLB and Selig have a reasonable expectation that umpires should be able to look at replays and see what the entirety of the rest of the planet sees. And I can't recall anyone missing one this badly that wasn't actually difficult to tell from replay.
I do agree that centralizing this makes more sense, and would allow them to incorporate more technology uniformly if "get it right" is the goal. It would also get rid of the ridiculousness of having the umpires jog down a tunnel and come back out. Heck, if they did it right, they could have had this fixed before Brenly even had time to argue much about it. Ideally, an umpire (whichever one makes sense) could have been buzzed that it was being looked at - they could have intercepted Brenly and said, "Don't worry about it, it's already being looked at," and it could have been fixed much quicker than the current, manager argues, talks umpires into leaving field, umpired go get a slushy routine we have.
Think about it, the NHL has had centralized replay for about ten years now, and how many big controversies have they had, one.
If Selig wants to make the $18 million a year, well then he has to assume the responsibilities when things go wrong when they shouldn't go wrong, like when the decline to have centralized replay. So, once again the blame rests with Commissioner Selig and the Commissioner's Office, just like it was Commissioner Goodell's fault for his disastrous officials lockout this season.