Thread: T or no T
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Old Wed May 08, 2013, 11:29am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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"Even referees and officials can do a better job, Mano said.

Watch any college basketball game, and odds are you'll see a coach not only stalking the sideline but coming onto the floor to protest a call. That's a violation, Mano said, yet it's almost never called.

"We've softened too much by letting bad behavior go escaped," he said.

It may not seem like much. But add up all the little transgressions that have been overlooked or excused, and sports now has a big problem."
The above quote was taken from this article spawned from the death of a soccer referee: AP News: Ref's death a consequence of lack of sportsmanship

This is the point and what anyone who doesn't issue a technical foul to this player is failing to understand. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Help your fellow officials by insisting upon good sporting behavior and penalize those who don't display such.
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