Thread: T or no T
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Old Tue May 07, 2013, 10:14pm
deecee deecee is offline
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Originally Posted by Adam View Post
I'm obviously on the fence on whether I'd call the T, but this isn't the standard situation where the player simply can't find the ref or forgets. The new L is clearly (it seems to me) and verbally asking her for the ball when she just plops it down in the corner of the court.

That's not typical, standard behavior in any situation. I've never seen it done. It's essentially the same as throwing it into the corner while the official stands 10 feet away asking for the ball.
Once again I don't see any body language indicating frustration directed towards the refs any more than maybe they are just losing, or shes having a bad game or many other reasons. She might not have heard the ref, but when he did get her attention she just turned and went to the ball. In my experience there would have been a pause, or a shrug, or even a frustrated sigh and hands being thrown up. There isn't enough here, IMO, to say yes or no on the T.

There is enough here to warrant a, "please don't do that again" or "get us the ball next time instead of placing it on the court". but beyond that I'm not sold on a T. And I agree I have never seen this done, especially in such a calm manner, which is why I'm not sold on a T. In the case of throwing the ball in the corner, that's different and very obvious intent.
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