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Old Thu May 02, 2013, 05:00pm
RKBUmp RKBUmp is offline
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FED 8-2-6 The batter runner interferes with a fielder attemtping to make an initial play, interferes with a fielder attempting to throw the ball, intentionally interfers with a thrown ball while out of the batters box, makes contact with a fair bated ball before reaching first base, or interferes with a dropped thrid stirke.

FED case play 8-2-6 B3 has a count of 3-2 with no runners on base and two outs. On the next pitch B3 swing and misses. The ball bouinces off F2's shin guard and lands in front of home plate. As F2 moves out to field the ball, (a) B runs into her, knocking her down or (b) B3 unintentionally kicks the ball. Ruling: In both (a) and (b) , interference; the umpire calls "dead ball" and rules the batter runner out.

ASA 8-2-F-6 When the batter runner interferes with: a dropped third strike.

If the ball only made incedental contact and did not affect the play, I would say you have nothing. But, intent is not required, if the batter runner makes contact with the dropped third strike and interferes, they are out.

Last edited by RKBUmp; Thu May 02, 2013 at 05:03pm.
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