11-12's tonite, good friend I played lotsa ball with is manager of one team. They, quite frankly, suck. Continuous batting order, so all 14 kids bat. Top 4, #13 in the order is up, inside pitch, swings and THUD, ball rolls into fair territory off the hands. I kill it and announce " hit batter while swinging, STRIKE". Coaches check out player and manager comes to me...whatttt was that???? I explain the kid got hit while swinging... Then comes the proverbial but aren't the hands part....Thats all he got out, I grabbed the bat and asked him to show me the "hands", OH, I see, but it did go fair!!!! Sorry bud, but that was only strike 1, he got two more hacks......good laugh, and now one more manager knows one more rule this week....LOL