Wed May 01, 2013, 06:41pm
In Time Out
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 1,263
Originally Posted by bluehair
None ? What about Fed 8-4-2(c).
I think the runner was doing what he was supposed to do (avoid the collision). With F2 moving into his sprinting path, I can't fault R3 for protecting himself and F2. 8-4-2(b2) is a good safety rule. If the defender has the runner dead to rights, intentionally hurdling, diving, jumping over that fielder is a dangerous choice. I don't think that was the choice R3 took, I think he choose to avoid contact/injury the best he could with a fielder moving into his path at the last second.
Though it is not an exact analogy for the play in the video, CB 8.2.1D gives an example of F2 moving, R3 hurdling and no 8-4-2(b2) out applying.
I'd probably would have had R3 out on the tag, except for F2 acting like he missed the tag...I hate it when they do that.
I ran hurdles in high school, and I never went over one in that fashion. Please try to stay on topic.
I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?