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Old Tue May 27, 2003, 05:09pm
Panda Bear Panda Bear is offline
In Time Out
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 69

Can someone more familiar with the NCAA advise if maybe the umpires are directed to be the stick figures many have commented on? I know they have to be veterans to be selected, so inexperience isn't the problem.

On any call that isn't bang-bang, it appeard they were afraid to a) have any enjoyment in being there, and b) sell themselves for when a call is close.

I haven't seen such stiff motions since watching badly animated South Park cartoons! But if the NCAA requires this, we shouldn't be critical of the umpires. I do hope the NCAA doesn't think the elimination of personality from the umpires (or anyone else involved) is in their best interests. Competence and individuality are NOT mutually exclusive.
Panda Bear
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