Originally Posted by HugoTafurst
There was a rumor that they were going to change it this year, but it was just that... a rumor.
The two feet on pitchers plate and step back before hands together are listed in varying terms (so, assumably multiple proposals) on this year's annual NFHS poll preliminary to their annual spring Rules Committee meeting.
If nothing else, it isn't a dead topic. No way of knowing before June'ish if there is sufficient support for either or both as changes.
Remember, their philosophy is (in my words, as expressed to me):
1) We are here representing and enabling ONLY high school participation, not as the minor leagues for college softball.
2) NFHS rules allow these alternative methods of pitching; if players and coaches think it it is counterproductive to their personal goals, they don't have to pitch that way.
3) When enough of our members indicate they don't have widespread and overall credible pitchers even WITH these rules advantages, and that participation may go down even more if we remove them, then removing them is not advantageous to goal #1.
4) We do listen to our members, that is why we have a (limited participation) poll to solicit that feedback.