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Old Mon Apr 22, 2013, 10:49am
Dave Reed Dave Reed is offline
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Originally Posted by MD Longhorn View Post
in both Pony and AL, they treated is this same way ASA softball does - the ball is live on a walk. If a runner is put out as in the OP, that's the 3rd out. The runner advancing home does so without liability, of course, but did not score before the 3rd out was made. No run.
Can you think of any ruleset in which the ball isn't live on a walk? Tee ball maybe.

I don't know about ASA, but American Legion uses OBR for this situation, and so does Pony-- assuming the pitcher is a player, and not a machine or coach.

Note to all: It is true the OP doesn't say if the pitch as an uncaught strike. He also doesn't say, for example, if there was umpire interference. Seems to me that we can assume that the OP would consider a uncaught 3rd strike as significant information and would have included it--especially since it takes poor play on the part of the catcher to try to get an out on an overrun of third base.
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