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Old Mon May 26, 2003, 03:48pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by collinb
Federation Rules
Pitcher is in the (set) position and has completed the stop(set) with his pivot foot on the Pitching Plate.
He then steps towards third with his non-pivot foot and feints then turns and steps toward first base and feints.
If the pitcher was still on the rubber after his feint to third, then it's a balk to feint to first.

99.9999% of the time, the pitcher comes off the rubber during the feint to third; in this case it's legal to feint to first.

See 6.2.4C

I'll add that both those statements are tru in all codes.

In FED, the pitcher can throw (not feint) to first if he styas on the rubber after the feint to third. In OBR and NCAA, it's a balk to feitn *or* throw to first after the feint to third (if the pitcher stays on the rubber).


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